
Building Custom Panel Panes (CTools Content Types) in Drupal 7


Content types (a.k.a. panel panes) are one of CTools' most visible, versatile, and easy to learn APIs. In this tutorial, we're going to build a custom content type (or panel pane depending on what you call it) that display's a twitter user's latest feeds. As with any new CTools content type, you need to have at minimum three files in following structure:

Hitler Finds Out That Drupal 7 Might Release Without Panels


Hitler finds out that that Panels might not be ready for Drupal 7.0 at a recent Hitler's Drupal Users meetup.

Note this another Hitler downfall video, which i find to be hilarious

Interested in proving Hitler wrong?

1, Issue for Ctools Update
2. (dependent on ctools update) Issue for panels.

Link to youtube.

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