Pentagon News: Because Who Needs Middle Men?

The Pentegon has created its own news channel. The Pentagon's rationale is explaned by this no non-sense, spin free report from the distingished Washington Times:

The Pentagon has created its own 24-hour television channel to cut out the middleman -- the national media -- in covering news events at the headquarters of the world's most powerful military.

However, a band of communists who parade under the banner "The Columbia Journalism Review" seem to not understand their patriotic duty to love freedom. Blasting the Washington Times, propagandist Brian Montopoli remarks:

"Journalist" is not synonymous with "conduit of officially sanctioned information." Though it often falls short, when journalism is at its best it examines the information being offered up, explains its place in the scheme of things and illuminates its possible ramifications and effects -- all in a rough attempt to bring news closer to the truth.By equating Pentagon-approved programming with news, the Times has unwittingly condemned itself. Only a newspaper that doesn't understand the essential role journalists play in contextualizing announcements and events could characterize the national media as mere information peddlers.