Drupal Articles

Drupal Navigation Reloaded: Displaying Taxonomy and User Menus as Primary and Secondary links.

UPDATE: I've writing a multipart tutorial on how this was done, follow it in order:

I've put together an example theme which impliments the top navigation menu that you see in this site. I'm very strapped for time at the moment, so I hope you'll forgive the lack of detailed instructions.

However, if you have any experience with creating new drupal themes, then you should have a very easy time figuring out how it works. It doesn't require any new database tables, or modules. All that is required is php-template. For the lovely categorization that you see in this site, you'll also need the taxonomy menu module, though.

The Ultimate Drupal Navigation Menu

It's alive!

Look above, at the menu I have created. I have succeeded in connecting the top navigation menu to drupal's taxonomy system. You won't see why its so cool from the front page. However, click this link to this article's category, and you'll why I'm so excited: it layers itself through colored tabs along with my taxonomies' hiearchy. Best of all, its fully integrated into the drupal CMS's database so its builds itself automatically.

The end result is magnificent. Not to toot my own horn, but my method is worthy of an instructional article. I will write it that as soon as the menu is better tested and tweaked.

Kill Drupal Trackback Spam: The quick and dirty way

Aldon Hynes created this simple php script to erase trackback spams in drupal. To use it, simply create a new node and paste the PHP code I've included below. To run the script simply access the node. One click and 800 trackback spams destroyed. Take that JRCreations.


$sql = " where ";

$sql .= " subject like '%cialis%' or ";$sql .= " comment like '%cialis%' or ";

$sql .= " subject like '%fioricet%' or ";$sql .= " comment like '%fioricet%' or ";

What is DeanSpace?

By Aldon HynesOriginally Submitted for Extreme Democracy

In the summer of 2003, Dean supporters with an interest in information technology started meeting online and talking about how they could use their skills to help the Dean campaign. Inspired by community-focused sites like Slashdot, IndyMedia, Kuro5hin, and Scoop, they looked for tools they could build or customize that could be used to help promote the Dean candidacy. They wanted to create a toolkit for people without strong technical skills to use to set up powerful, interoperable websites for of information sharing and community building.[read more...]

Note: Deanspace morphed into civicspace (which is what drives this blog)


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