Let Template.php Eat Static

 My arch-nemisis is overly complex logic in template.php and page.tpl.php files. It seems to me that when a drupal codebase becomes brittle and unmaintainable, the culprit is usually going to be hundreds of conditional lines of php code in a template file. You've probably seen code like this before:


function spagetti_monster_page($content) {
// determine weather the page is a node view, or edit
switch(arg(0)) {
case 'node':
if (is_numeric(arg(1)) && (!arg(2) || arg(2) == 'view')) {
$body_class = 'node_view';
else if (arg(1) == 'add' || arg(2) == 'edit') {
$body_class = 'node_compose';
// f#ck it, the clients will never look at these pages....
else {
$body_class = 'node_wtf';
case 'user':
if (is_numeric(arg(1)) && (!arg(2) || arg(2) == 'view')) {
$body_class = 'user_view';
//.... and so on and so on and so on.....

The dangers of this approach are something that cannot be explained: they must be felt first hand.

Switching args in a template.php or page.tpl.php file is like doing drugs (minus the laughs): lots of people have done it, survived, and even learned from it; but its an experience that is best avoided if you can help it. So lets see how to avoid it using static variables. (warning, you'll need to use a module).

function spagetti_monster_killer_set_body_class($class = NULL) {
// set the variable to static
static $set_class;
// if a class has been given, then go ahead and set it
if ($class) {
$set_class = $class;
if (!$set_class) {
// return a default class
$set_class = 'random_page';
// now return it
return $set_class;

function spagetti_monster_killer_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser, $page) {
switch ($op) {
case 'view':
if ($page == TRUE) {
// indeed..... this is clearly a page view of a node -- set the template.php body class 'node_page'....

function spagetti_monster_killer_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
if ($form['#id'] == 'node-form') {
// we are absolutely certain we are viewing a node form... gee-wiz

Its not hard to see why this approach allows more freedom, more maintainability, more modularity, less maintaince, and less opprotunity to make a mistake. Its likely to be a more efficent too since the class just gets set when certain functions execute (such as node_view($node, FALSE, TRUE)), instead of having to walk through a long switch statement. Using this method, all you have to have in template.php is this:
function spagetti_monster_page($content) {
// simply use a null vallue so that the function returns whatever was last in memory. In otherwords, anywhere this function ran to generate a page will determine the value. Give static a try....
$body_class = spagetti_monster_killer_set_body_class(NULL);

A final note that these examples scratch the surface of this concept. Many people will perhaps shun such an approach -- I'd like to hear their reasons. I am, after all, an idiot.