Phrases of these Times

I'm not proud of some of the phrases I used frequently at points in my life. There was a point in high scool where I'd begin sentences with "Dude, man -- like -- have you ever noticed.... ?"  However, this morning, sheer egoism,  and delusional thinking has led me to share the phrases I've found myself using more and more...

1. "Like herding cats." -- Have you ever tried to organize, or merely cope with a herd of cats? Try organizing non-profit types with open source.

2. "Lovely party; did you notice that turd in the punch bowl?" -- I first heard this phrase from George Carlin.

3. "Touring the sausage factory." -- Usually in reference to the drupal development mailing list, or the CVS logs in the contributions repository. For those of you who didn't score well on the SAT verbal, generally you are less likely to eat sausage after seeing it being made.

4. "Drinking from a firehose."[1] 

5. "Dog and pony shows." -- usually in reference to a new web 2.0 companies' corporate blog or the presentations given by their demo-monkeys.

6. "Iceberg Principe"  -- observed frequently in web development. Often, small problems I observe are merely the tip of the iceberg. The true colossusal size of a bug is frequently hidden in the depths of the source code's ocean..


1. My job