Please CNN: Scrap Larry King Live, and Launch Bill Maher Live

I've mentioned Larry King before. A few paragraphs after mentioning him, I realized how bored I was, and ended my post. I made note that it probably wasn't a coincidence that I was overcome by such boredom after mentioning Larry King.

So, Bill Maher guest hosted Larry King's crappy, boring, please-pour-lysergic-acid-over-my-body-as-an-alternative-to -watching-the-horse-shit of a show, and after watching it, I say: fire Larry King, that dumb, movie reviewer, talentless, elitist chucking bastard, and launch a phoenix from it ashes [quicktime of Bill Maher guest hosting].

You wanna beat FOX, CNN? Then start putting people like Bill Maher on your network. Clear yourself of those vague, badly measured marketing fantasies which led you to soiling your brand name with trashy, idiot, god's-gift-to-fascisist regieme-demogauges like Nancy Grace, and that miserable failure that was CNN primetime live. You insulted the minority of influentials that your network depended on when you did.

CNN, I mean this in total sincerity: serving your audience as intelligent equals, as opposed to exploiting their vulgarities is the path riches, and the toppling of FOX. That's a bottom line.