Imperialist Lackeys Tarnish Image of Great Savior

How could anyone say "no" to that smile? Well, apparently the capitalist pigs at the Czech Foreign Ministry can... The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (who are mere parlor-pinkos, might I add) give us the full scoop:

The North Korean embassy in Prague is calling for a ban on Team America: World Police in the Czech Republic. The main villain in Team America is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il, who is shown in the movie shooting his translator in the head and feeding former United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix to a tank of sharks.

Aided by vacuous Hollywood stars, Jong-il plans to carry out an attack with weapons of mass destruction that will result in damage that is "9/11 times 2,356."

"Such behavior is not part of our country's political culture," the North Korean diplomat added. "Therefore, we want the film to be banned."

See? That's all that he asks. But the imperialist lackeys in the Czech Republic continue to insist that they don't "ban films" in a Democratic society. I wonder if the Czechs might consider the fact that they might make Kim Jong-il cry. (Link Via Rebecca MacKinnon)