Aldon Hynes has brough to my attention a rather amazing challenge by Michele Agnew . Michele has come up with a very creative way of donating money to the Tsunami victims. Here's how it works:
So I got bored, and decided I was going to restyle my blog. My last template's colors gave away my ADD too well (much like David Weinberger's template). Since I'm lazy, I've opted to just do the redesign directly on the css file at the smartcampaigns server. As a result, this sites like is likely to change quite a bit over the next hour or so. Feel free to watch; it will be almost as entertaining as watching the courtship of house flys.
David Bollier points us to a great article on impending search engine wars between Google, Microsoft, and others:
Check out Charles H. Ferguson's article, "What's Next for Google?" in the January 2005 issue of Technology Review. Rarely
has the struggle over proprietary technical standards in the digital
world -- and the implications for the public – been explained with such
clarity... The winner of this battle – Google?
Yahoo?Microsoft? – is likely to become the dominant corporation in the
new Internet world and a colossus of American capitalism.
Dan Gillmor provides us with some food for thought:
I think of distributed journalism as somewhat analogous to any project
or problem that can be broken up into little pieces, where lots of
people can work in parallel on small parts of the bigger question and
collectively -- and relatively quickly -- bring to bear lots of
individual knowledge and/or energy to the matter. Some open-source
software projects work this way. The important thing is the parallel
activity by large numbers of people, in service of something that would
be difficult if not impossible for any one or small group of them to do
alone, at least in a timely way.
"The nonvoter party is global. Given that we don't vote, we do
not need to be sanctioned by current political jurisdictions. We
can be active all over the world, without concern for national
boundaries and rules. Imagine." -Jim Moore
This may seem hard to believe unless you've been reading lots and lots of
news reports, but in many places villagers are still terrified. When
what was a tranquil sea swallows up people, homes and long-tail boats
mercilessly without warning and no one can tell you anything reliable about
whether another one is coming, I'm not sure you'd want to come down either.