drupal 6

Drupal.behaviors: The Two Step Secret To Unlocking Drupal's Javascript

The hardest part about using drupal's javascript features is knowing where to begin: they remained an arcane mystery to me until today. After drinking a bit of whiskey, and studying how core was using Drupal.behavior, I learned it couldn't be simpler. If you don't know how to do this, take a moment:

hook_theme and tpl.php files: registering them with drupal, and passing variables

There is one way to let drupal know about a theme function or template. There are two ways to send variables to a template, but one of them has a lot of disadvantages.

We'll use two theme functions, with an identical template setup to illustrate these methods:

Creating Theme Functions and Routing Them to a Template

There's only one way, hook_theme()

The Drupal Hacker's Cookbook


This is a guide for hackers -- php developers who are looking for small solutions to big problems. This is not a resource written for programming noobs, though programming noobs are encouraged to use it and learn from it. The format is to the point: a problem, a function, and how this function is used as a solution. We'll only cover drupal 6 and beyond.

Expect this guide to grow day by day.

Drupal 6 AHAH forms: Making New Fields Work

Today, I was working with drupal 6's AHAH form elements. Initially, I was delighted at how well they worked. That delight turned to confusion once I realized that the form elements I had put in the menu callback of the #ahah['path'] was missing its name attribute. After doing a bit of research in how the poll module handled the formapi voodoo, I created a generalized function to aid in building AHAH callbacks. If there is a better way to do this, I wasn't able to find it. <?php

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