Republican Bloggers Claim Democratic Win?

Chris Bowers of MyDD observes:

My opinion of whether the deal was a victory for Democrats has increased somewhat after looking over the rather astounding reaction from Republican blogs and netroots.

Bowers than cites numerous reactions from GOP blogs ranging from to the pretty boys at  Powerline, to the incontinents at Free Republic. Them darn freepers; they must be angels disguised as really stupid rednecks as a way for god to test our compacity for compassion! God is beautiful -- and the shining beauty of the freeper is worth citing in this instance:

"We in the grassroots worked our tails off for this majority and McCain et al., have betrayed us, our president and his future Supreme Court nominees." "Not another frigging dime or a minute of my time, I stay home in 06' or vote libertarian. Unfreakin believable."

"The Dems will likely gain in Congress in 2006 because of this kind of cowardice. What's the matter with you folks in Arizona????? Is McCain the best you can do??

"I just left the GoP. I'm done with them. Cowards."

The funny thing is that all the democrats got was the filibuster -- which I consider a essential safeguard to guarding the rights of a (SLIM) minority. Of course, these fascist bozos haven't read their Madison, so they'd never know why protecting the rights of the minority is important to the health of our Republic.

Speaking of which, does it feel like 1994 to anyone else?