Why I'll Never Call Myself a Libertarian

Instapundit actually cited a good question that came from Daily Pundit:

What was the last "big one" that secular, small-government, constitutionalist conservatives won under the GWB administration?

Instapundit, whose politics I almost respect, answered sardonically: "If you give me a week, I might think of something."

However, that exchange isn't what I found noteworthy. Rather it was this update that Daily Pundit posted in response to Instapundit:

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! More here.

Apparently, by "more", Daily Pundit meant "come read an advertisement for ammo, and give me money." I don't have anything against making money blogging. But, do you have to be so libertarian about it; and -- for crying out loud -- trick a flood of potential new readers? Don't make me suggest a correlation with this attitude, and the strength of the Libertarian party's overall support.