How to Ensure Distrust from Your Users

If there's one thing I've learned over the years (okay, 3 years) its that users like being tricked. More importantly, they like your tricks to be both simple, and transparent in their aims (such as the aim of padding your bank account with 100.00 a month in adsense dollars). Users look down upon sarcasism, however. So when you make points, make them feel stupid by reminding them that the following example is how NOT to make money from your website: As some of you may already know, those links will allow you to "read more".... but they are paid google ads.   Yet, the (worth a read) article is directly below this blantant, and even stupid trap (given the types who'd bother reading it...). This isn't an expose to say, "huh huh, i caught the trick". Its simply one who's astounded at how stupid the owner apparently thinks I am. Yes: their's a *bottom line* as MBA's like to remind... But, take my word on this: you're bottom line is your users. If you ever find yourself in an argument to which one person is arguing "they are too stoopid to notice", call them out as the idiots they are.* Do yourself a favor, and repeat after me: NEVER DISRESPECT THE INTELLIGENCE OF YOUR USERS  After all, the trust of your users is all you have. Notes: this rule does not apply to the pornographic, debt-refinancing, and our-pills-make-your-penis-mightier related enterprises. This triumverant is quite correct in their overall view of their users.